
I’m Mike,

I graduated with a 1st from NCCA, UK in 2007.

I worked as Lead animator at Muliti BAFTA Award Winning animation studio Blue-Zoo.

In 2012 I started Attack animation.

I’ve loved working with The Science Museum, The Stones and Sir Paul McCartney.

In 2016, my best friend Matthew Wright and I founded a sustainable toy company called playpresstoys.co.uk We got toys for sale on amnesty international.

Check out some of my work below.

A montage of the favourite parts of animation I have created.
A video I made about isolation, during isolation.
A movie I made for Jack.
The first music video I made.
A compilation of some of the work I made when I worked at blue-zoo.co.uk
…some motion graphic work with Bond&Coyne
  • mike@attackanimation.com
  • +4915733876981
  • Berlin, Deutschland.